Living in a Time of Man-Made Hearts

You can’t help but feel smothered by hearts these days. Red hearts, pink hearts, fuzzy hearts, marble hearts. Hearts in silver, gold, and jewels. Hearts on clothing, cards, and commercials. Of course, none of them look like the real thing, and I suppose we can be grateful for that. Yet, despite its stylized omnipresence and…

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After John Had Been Arrested…

After John Had Been Arrested On this 3rd Ordinary Sunday, in the Gospel of Mark, we hear that: After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” –Mark 1:14-20 Four chapters…

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Is it Enough?

Is it enough to turn from the world, rejecting the styles and movements of things that are but shadows that we use to fill our homes, adorn our bodies, replace our loves? Silence descended on the dark, dissolving forms. Is it enough to chasten the flesh, curb appetites the world and hearts rejoice and regale…

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